Thursday, June 26, 2008


I just got back from a 2 day trip to Dominical. It was a fairly touristy beach that was definitely catered towards Americans. There was more English spoken there than Spanish. This aside, the trip was great and turned out to be worthwhile for a few reasons.

So we camped out on the beach in a tent for free which was really nice. The prices for food were a little high (by that I mean they were pretty much US prices) but since we were staying for free it didn't really matter. The first night we were there we heard that there was a bar that was having an open jam night, so obviously I attended to play some drums. There I met some people and most notable was a guy named Josh who owned the place. He also owns an organic farm so the two of us got to talking. He said that his farm is not quite ready for volunteers yet since he does not really have a place for them to stay. He told me to come back in the morning to talk and see if he could help me out.

THe next day I met up with him and he said that I should talk to a guy named Bay about volunteering. I took Bay's phone number and thought that nothing would really happen. However, that night Bay happened to be in Dominical and I ended up talking to him in person at Josh's bar. He told methat there was a guy bnamed Derek who owned a farm that needed a lot of work and said that I could talk to him about working there when I got back from the ultimate tournament. We will see how that goes, my days may be numbered at the Earth Rose farm.

Another notable occurence during this trip was getting pulled in by a rip-tide. The ocean there was extremely strong so Adrian and I of course didn't care and went pretty deep, but still to the point where we could stand up. However, at some point I couldn't stand any more because the waves had pulled me in and I half-panicked that I would not be returning to shore since swimming back seemed to not do anything. Eventually, of course, I did get back and survived that frightening experience. Not sure if that one was scarier than the spiders or snakes but it was pretty scary.


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