Monday, June 16, 2008

Snakes, Spiders and Bats, Oh My!

So far I have had experiences with all of those. We found a snake outside of the outhouse and when we described it to a local he said it was the most deangerous snake in Costa Rica and to make sure we killed it if we saw it again. There was a fairly large spider hanging out on the door to my room and it scared the crap out of me. We brushed it to the floor and the cat, Journey, ate it.

A couple of bats flew around the house the other night and it landed right next to Adrian and another girl who was visiting (I will explain who she is later on) and they kind of freaked out. It was pretty funny.

So basically I love the days here, but am still adjusting to the nights. The work is interesting and not very hard. The days do kind of drag on sometimes.

Today I met Carlos who is a Tico who works on the farm three times a week. We cut up some paths and harvested some yucca. In other news I met two other WWOOFers, Angie and Lydia, who used to work here on Earth Rose but left due to some drama I will write about later. They now work for a neighboring farm owned by a Tican family.


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