Monday, July 21, 2008

The Final Sol and Ella Encounter

As mentioned in the previous entry, Adrian and I had stopped by the Earth Rose on the way back to Luz and Guillermo's. There we found Sol and Ella and right before we were going to leave Ella said she wanted a few words with Adrian.

So a bit of backstory: Adrian was supposed to be the caretaker of the Earth Rose for his whole Costa Rican trip (up until August 4). Sol and Ella showed up saying that they may be caretaking the farm until December (when the owners return). Basically they took the farm over and changed a lot. Some for the better and some for the worse. Adrian did not like this change and immediately made plans to head for Luz and Guillermo's once Angie and Lydia left for the states.

Adrian also has a friend in Costa Rica who was possibly making plans to visit him. He asked Sol and Ella if they would let her stay at Earth Rose since there are plenty of beds there and without much thought they told him that would be okay.

So back to the present. Ella had completely changed her mind about the whole situation. She no longer wanted Adrian's friend to visit, in fact, she no longer wanted Adrian, himself, to be at the farm. She accused him of being self-righteous, lazy and ill-equipped for farm life. She even said that he purposefully did not tell her or Sol information about the farm and she was sick of being taken advantage of.

There may be a slight shred of truth to these accusations. Certainly Adrian was unhappy with the regime change at Earth Rose and may have ben unwilling to work hard. However, it is clear that Ella has her own issues and was taking them out on Adrian. Both Sol and Ella are extremely poor listeners and seem to have a poor grasp on reality. Ella's resort to personal attacks clearly shows her immaturity. I initially thought that they may bring vision to the Earth Rose, but instead I think they will burn themselves out in a few months and leave. They constantly speak of the fact that a team would help them greatly and that they cannot take care of the farm with just two people, yet they refuse to accept WWOOFers. Sadly it seems the poor pattern of the Earth Rose will continue and work done there will have been futile.

Oh the drama of volunteer farming.


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