Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Planting Trees, Killing Snakes, You Know... The Usual

Today I worked with Derrick and another Ipe volunteer named Vick. We planted various trees while the Tican workers chopped wodn pasture grass to give us some room. Then we used the thick pasture grass as mulch for the trees. It was some really good, hard work. This was especially true becase I hiked up to the main road to use the public phone to try and make reservations for the mountain hike on Thursday. That is somewhat taken care of since I finally got through to them and they said if we arrive in town on Thursday we can hike up Friday morning. I am pretty pumped for the hike as it will be my first really large hike. It should take somewhere between 7 and 14 hours to reach the summit.

During my second hike to the public phone, one of the Tican workers came aross a turciopelo or a fer de lance. This is the most poisonous snake in Costa Rica. The worker killed it with a machede and just seeing the dea body was frightening. I am glad I was on planting duty and not chopping duty. I don't quite know what I would do if I came across a venemous snake. Probably freak out.

In other news I am becoming closer with the Tican workers here. The cook, Fanni, and her 4 year old daughter, Erica, generally keep me company in between the end of my work day and the end of the construction workers' work day (between 1:00 and 5:00pm). I am also having some good conversation with the construction workers who stay with me in the tin shack during the evenings. I had one about religion recently, it was pretty interesting. They all seem to think that the fact that American's are buying up threir land is a pretty bad thing (again I will post seperately about this soon)

Overall I am really happy right now. This way of life, though sometimes boring and lonely, seems to keep me more content than any other job I have had. Certainly I am happier now than I was at school. Pura Vida.


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